Now, Hindu groups are asking the 2008 presidential nominees to denounce the protesters:
"U.S. Hindu organizations are urging presidential candidates to denounce the protesters who disrupted the Senate as the first-ever Hindu opening prayer was being delivered this month." [...]
"Although the InterFaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington issued a statement July 17 saying its members were "deeply saddened" by the interruption, no senators present spoke out against it publicly, according to the Hindu American Foundation and the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON).
Both organizations said they are disappointed with the legislators, and they sent letters this week to presidential candidates and senators, asking them to condemn the incident.
"We call on you to follow the example set by [Reid] and take a stance in defense of religious freedom and equality, in the face of opposition from extremists and fundamentalists," the ISKCON letter said."
This is a little stickier than it sounds, especially for the GOP contenders. Will a wingnut like Sam Brownback denounce members of "Operation Asshole", an organization that includes a good number of his supporters? Does Giuliani want any attention paid to his (arguably shaky) pro-choice credentials? It should be interesting to see how they respond.