I just stumbled upon the "REPENT AMERICA" website (see left) and I'm traumatized. Get a load of their home page, that's terrifying! There's two separate "Enter" buttons (as if you'd want to enter after seeing the main page), one for "Christians" and one for... "ALL OTHERS". The Christers get a bunch of newswire stuff (yeah, I sneaked in, heh), ALL OTHERS get a list of lectures and commandments... but *eep!* no news! Just a litany of warnings about how God's Great Shit-hammer is about to come down on their heads any time now.
If these people are trying to recruit (or enlist, or whatever the fuck it's called), their marketing strategy is in need of a serious re-think. The graphic on the main page alone is enough to send someone screaming off into the night. Never mind what effect it might have on The Children. Repent America: why oh why won't you think of The Children?