"Brett" chimes in to make a pre-emptive strike on a grave and growing "thread drift" threat:
Now this guy starts off well -- exactly, don't focus on me! Birth Pangsdeserves at least as much of this as I do. You might even say BP was the flight attendant that securely fastened the seat belt for my ride to hell. But back to the Brettster; Brett impresses me by using the correct term "pro-choicer" instead of the usual hysterical hyperbole like "babykiller", so he definitely starts off on the right track... but then... His inevitable derailment is quick and ugly as he plunges into a morass of psychoanalysis and sumo wrestling. What?! (That's what I said!) Somehow he seques through the sumo wrestling and wounded pride seamlessly enough to end on a high note, with talk of doing those thangs that Christians are supposed to do... but regrettably, most often don't.
But never mind that. Further down the page, a much more disturbing comment:
A full scale 30 day prayer assault! And so begins The Unrepentant Offensive. I got my helmet on and I'm locked and loaded, baby... Bring! It! On!
Update for a few words from another Prayer Assault target: Prole at A Creative Revolution has been helping me man the barricades here and in doing so has put herself in harm's way -- ("UOH and her friends") -- here's what she has to say about it all.