Tuesday, August 07, 2007

They're so cute when they don't get it

Yesterday I posted about a little discussion I was having with SUZANNE about the difference between choice and choices, and it seems to have sparked the interest of some of her less-gifted compatriots.

Leonard here decides to step in and "help" SUZANNE -- trust me, pal, she doesn't need help (must. not. make. snarky. comment), she's dealing. Leonard thinks she does, so he makes his own postulation that I, Ungrateful Slut that I am, should be thanking some weirdy-beardy in the sky for those supersized megafamilies, because when those kids enter the workforce they'll be funding my retirement.

Say WHAT? Naturally, I wanted to put that little steamer to rest pretty damn quick. So I amended my post to say:

"...Newsflash, pally: 40 years of busting my ass working and paying CPP premiums, and making smart investments in property, RRSPs, mutual funds etc. will be paying for MY retirement. Those kids will be paying for YOURS."

Perhaps I worded this a little clumsily, or maybe Leonard has reading comprehension problems... the sad reality is probably a bit of both. At any rate he seems to have completely, totally and utterly, and I mean ZOOOOM! right over his head, missed my point, because today he's on another friggin tear, following up with a post hectoring and lecturing me on the vagaries of the CPP system... like I give a flying fart! The whole point of my little update/newsflash-to-Leonard was that I couldn't give a happy monkey-fuck about CPP.

Yeah, I've been working and paying into it all these many years, but while I've been doing that I've also been making (good if not excellent) investments: RRSPs, real estate, mutual funds, gold, some dot-com when it was happening, etc etc blah blah blah. So basically my message was: stuff your CPP!!! I certainly don't mind paying into it for the benefit of other old folks, but rely on it myself? Surely you jest. I can take care of myself just fine. But somehow that happy little factoid was lost on Leonard, or more likely, purposely omitted so he could do a post schooling and scolding me on the ways of CPP. Like I care?! I replied to said post that he forgot to mention my main point, which was that investments not CPP will be paying for my retirement, and I hoped he'd be able to do the same, because CPP... errr sounds like a pretty socialist concept to me!

Leonard buddy: listen up, slick -- whatever you think you're trying to do here, give it up. You'll lose. Nah, don't bother to apologize. Just top up that RRSP, get a fucking broker, and someday you too will be able to tell people like you to Get Stuffed. HAHAHAHAHA!