Monday, December 03, 2007

Al Qaeda retreating from Iraq

Woohoo! Great news! Al Qaeda is retreating from Iraq to Afghanistan and Pakistan:

"KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates landed in Afghanistan on Monday to gauge military commanders' needs as they face a strengthened Taliban and signs that al Qaeda is regrouping in the country.

More than six years after a U.S.-led invasion drove the Taliban from power, Gates said he was concerned about the rising violence but he did not think Afghanistan was moving backward."

Not moving backward, well, that's certainly encouraging.

"American military officers in Iraq have speculated that al Qaeda would try to return to Afghanistan after losing ground in Iraq, where violence has declined following a security crackdown that added thousands of U.S. troops to the streets.

But the senior official's comments marked the first time the Pentagon has acknowledged seeing evidence that al Qaeda fighters were moving back into Afghanistan. The official stressed, however, that the evidence was still not conclusive."

Would it be redundant to point out that Al Qaeda has been retreating from Iraq for over 2 years?

But yeah, okay, it could well be true: does Iraq even need Al Qaeda around anymore to raise shit? They're in the middle of a civil fucking war. But at least da Surge Is Working and da Al Qaeda Is Retreating. Leaving Iraq and heading for Afghanistan and Pakistan, where there's another war and two governments teetering on the verge of collapse, and... uh... there was something else... what was it... oh, yeah:


Well-played, Georgie, well-played.