Monday, December 24, 2007

We're down to the wire, troops

... only one more sleep until the final apocalyptic battle in the War on Christmas. I've assembled all my anti-Christmas artillery, and my War on Christmas tree is loaded. The anti-War on Christmas insurgency continues apace, with some sectarian disputes arising. And suddenly...

...BOOM! Reports from the Front Lines are coming in: the War on Christmas surge is working!

A Creative Revolution reports on the Pagan origins of the Christmas Saturnalia tree!

The Galloping Beaver has more on the dark Pagan underside of Christmas and ponders whether the War on Christmas should be moved back three days... a sure sign that it's all but won!

Rants from the Rookery reports on the crucifixion of Santa Claus and naked drunken Santas running amok!

Creekside reports that sectarian War on Christmas dissension has led to some defecting to our side! The good news just keeps coming!

It's the Mother of All War on Christmas battles: Bring 'em on!!