Thursday, January 31, 2008

The definition of "confusion"

On the "free speech" front, it appears that a member's bill (M-446) is being tabled that would delete Section 13(1) of the Canadian Human Rights Act. This is the section that covers speech that is "likely to expose a person (of an identifiable minority) to hatred or contempt".

Celebrations abound at FD. But but but -- what's this? The member tabling the bill is a LIBERAL, MP Keith Martin.

Great snappin' assholes! Who knew those damn lieberals were champions of free speech!? And where the fuck are the Conservatives on this? *crickets* Confusion reigns!

I don't have time right now to ascertain the meaning of this, so let's just say "Developing..." Edit: I'm pretty sure it's not what they think it is. How could it be?! Think about it...