Sunday, January 20, 2008

Democracy vs. Dictatorship

The Globe & Mail's latest poll (scroll down and to the right) asks "Purely in terms of efficiency, which system works best -- democracy or dictatorship?" The results thus far:I can almost hear the head explosions in Wingnutville as those little acorns rattling around inside their skulls try to cope with this new and disturbing information. Who could possibly vote for dictatorship? Who could even think dictatorship and democracy are "About the same"? The leftoid moonbat Globe & Mail readership, that's who! Jackbooted freedom-hating Nazi liberals, that's who!

This completely misses the fact that the key words in the survey are "purely in terms of efficiency" -- the survey doesn't ask which system is preferable, more humane, or more advantageous to the people living under it. In terms of efficiency only, dictatorship obviously "works best", because efficiency is about eliminating as many variables as possible, and dictatorship does that in spades. Variables include differing opinions, consensus, multi-partisan political constructs, and the will of the people, all of which are non-issues in a dictatorship. Remember Saddam Hussein's "election" a few years ago? The ballots said something to the effect of "Saddam: Yes or No", and he won 100% of the vote. That's nothing if not efficient.

Freedom is messy, as Donald Rumsfeld once famously said. But efficient? Not so much. And that's a good thing.