Tuesday, January 22, 2008

FYI - Haloscan

Haloscan seems to be having some pretty severe issues today -- comments either won't post or if they do, they're sometimes disappearing. It's not just here, I've noticed it on a couple of other blogs using haloscan as well: under the post it says "4 comments", then when you click to see the comments there aren't any to see. Or it says "no comments" (or "bark", hehe), you click on it, and there are 6 comments.

It isn't you. It isn't me. It's them. You know, the evildoers.

PS -- If you click on "4 barks" (or whatever number) and the comments open showing "no comments", go back to the post and click on "4 barks" again and the comments should show up. Man, this is weird. Why don't they fix it? Why? Why?