Couldn't resist! Anyway, as everyone and their dog knows by now, (former) Conservative Foreign Minister Maxime Bernier has resigned:
The foreign minister of Canada resigned on Tuesday after it emerged he left classified information in the apartment of a former girlfriend linked to members of a biker gang.Oooh, nothing like a little decollatage to give a story international legs. (Oh yeah, and "classified documents" left in girlfriends' apartments, that'll help.) And so ends the gruesome Maxime Bernier *drum roll, please* "CleavageGate" scandal that burst (out of its bra and) into the headlines a couple of weeks ago. One might almost say it's an Ex-Scandal. But now:

I didn't post about this thing when it first became news because it sounded like Page 3 tabloid regurgitation and, while I could understand what everyone was upset about, I didn't see it as being a major concern and felt it deflected attention from the real issues (but here I am posting about it, so there ya go). Bernier is a doofus -- there's more than enough reason to scathingly indict this baffled little goofball without getting personal. And frankly, I had the uncomfortable feeling that if Julie Couillard looked like this...

... the whole thing would have gone away rather quickly anyway.
The RCMP must have a file on her, as they do on everyone who associates with the Big Red Machine or even darkens the doorway of one of their parties. If those biker-obsessed creeps didn't think her past was an issue, it's unlikely there ever was one.
As for Bernier leaving a "classified document" at Couillard's apartment, I respectfully call bullshit, and here's why: As dorky as Conservatives almost always are, I doubt that even one of them could be goofy enough to use his one-on-one time with Couillard as an opportunity to review documents, classified or not.
Of course, I've been wrong before, and if I'm wrong on this then the Conservatives have truly out-dorked themselves.
UPDATE: Via deBeauxOs in the comments, the documents left at Couillard's place were indeed "classified" material -- NATO Summit documents. The Conservatives have officially out-dorked themselves.
(oops - RG photo from CC)
The RCMP must have a file on her, as they do on everyone who associates with the Big Red Machine or even darkens the doorway of one of their parties. If those biker-obsessed creeps didn't think her past was an issue, it's unlikely there ever was one.
As for Bernier leaving a "classified document" at Couillard's apartment, I respectfully call bullshit, and here's why: As dorky as Conservatives almost always are, I doubt that even one of them could be goofy enough to use his one-on-one time with Couillard as an opportunity to review documents, classified or not.
Of course, I've been wrong before, and if I'm wrong on this then the Conservatives have truly out-dorked themselves.
UPDATE: Via deBeauxOs in the comments, the documents left at Couillard's place were indeed "classified" material -- NATO Summit documents. The Conservatives have officially out-dorked themselves.
(oops - RG photo from CC)