comes the ecstatic, slavering adoration!!!
If Ezra Levant's mewling little treatise in yesterday's NatPo wasn't bad enough, check out the ensuing comments as the Better-Than-Ezra Fan Club furiously hammers those nails into the cross:
Ezra's a hero!
(Well, I loooooose it! I snap!)
Give Ezra $12 million!
Erect a statue of Ezra! (Good grief. A statue!?)
They finally got so excited they started drooling over each other...
Inexorably, a tiny voice of sanity breaks up the furious little circle jerk:
Is it any wonder Ezra wants to keep milking this thing?
"WHAT-A-LOAD" UPDATE: There's much whining and whimpering about the $100,000 that Ezra's supposedly out due to his HRC travails. But with the $132,063 the Western Standard got from the Publications Assistance Program (yeah, that's taxpayers' money) the year this little fooferaw started (plus another $63,366 the year before), by my math he's still ahead... and that doesn't include the unknown amount he's hauled in with the good old Paypal button. (h/t Ti-Guy in the comments)