Okay people, it's Artsy-Fartsy Corner! Here's another one of my seemingly-endless supply of DIY projects, chronicled from start to finish.
Always on the lookout for fugly old pieces of crap that might have the potential to be made beautiful, I scavenged this old-as-dirt door from the house of a friend. The house itself is over 100 years old, but I doubt this door's an original. By the fittings I'd guess it to be 30s vintage.
Always on the lookout for fugly old pieces of crap that might have the potential to be made beautiful, I scavenged this old-as-dirt door from the house of a friend. The house itself is over 100 years old, but I doubt this door's an original. By the fittings I'd guess it to be 30s vintage.
Who knows what this thing might end up looking like? Not me!