Friday, June 15, 2007

Jury Duty

Okay, don't laugh: I've been called for Jury Duty in some kind of criminal trial.

I just got the notice today, but it's probably been sitting in my mailbox for a week, it's been at least that long since I checked the mail. When I saw it I almost unloaded in my pants -- what an ominous-looking document. The words "SUMMONS" and "CRIMINAL" in big letters (I think the font was "Intimidation Sans Extra-Bold") jumped out and grabbed me by the throat. Old habits die hard: panicked, I tried to think of what I could have been caught doing. The only thing that came to mind was criminal neglect with regard to a couple of my dog's deposits at the roadside last week, so I relaxed and was able to focus. "Bring this Juror Summons when you report for jury duty". Oh, the other side of the courtroom. Well, all-righty then.

So, anybody out there done this? Is it worth doing for a couple of days or will it end up a nightmare of being sequestered in a hotel room for weeks on end? (Most importantly, will I know the defendant?) I'd be interested to see anyone's experience with this gig, and maybe some tried-and-true excuses for getting out of it.