Friday, June 15, 2007

Where does it end?

The question is sometimes pondered: if the anti-abortion movement were to get its wish and abortion was banned, what then? Is that where it ends, or is that just the beginning? This is excerpted from a petition directed to Catholics:

"As you know, the contraceptive mentality pervades the Catholic Church in Canada. Most Catholic couples of child-bearing age are preventing children through sterilization or contraception. The birthrate is suicidal. The death of the Church is certain where contraception prevails. It has been truly said that “Our greatest moral responsibility is to convert the contraceptive mentality.

Contraception is the root of which many spiritual evils are the fruit: abortion, infidelity, divorce, pre-marital sex, acceptance of homosexual activity, the clamor for same-sex “marriage” and the corruption of politics and the media. These inevitably follow when, on a large scale, sexual activity is deliberately diverted from its life-giving purpose to sterile lustful indulgence." (my bold)

I have no problem with Catholics choosing not to use contraception -- half my family is Catholic (one of my aunts had nine kids - NINE!), and I guess that's their business, assuming it means they won't be having any unsafe sex. But the people pushing this anti-contraception/abortion/homosexuality triumverate of evil make no secret of their desire to impose their agenda on everyone, and some of them have already wormed their way into positions of power.

Those in the "mushy middle" of the political spectrum (and that includes moderate conservatives): take note. Don't ever make the mistake of thinking even for a second that these fanatics would stop at banning abortion. Do we really want to see "A Handmaid's Tale" anywhere but in a novel?