Monday, June 18, 2007

Unleashing the fury

Continuing the spirit of the past weekend's smackdown goodness, Cheryl at TGB lets it fly from a female perspective:

"I try to pride myself on being fairly rational and level-headed. But every now and then I lose it. And I lose it big time. And there is no telling what it is that sets me off. This time, I think it was an innocuous, routine daily visit to the BBC news site. Today, I clicked onto the “health” page and was struck by 3 stories. One was about a woman effusing over how “womanly” she feels after her breast enhancement surgery. The second story was about a website, based in the US, where women post pictures and personal details about themselves in the hopes that male readers will donate money to allow them to afford breast surgery. The third story was about a medic in India who specializes in aborting female fetuses. I lost it. I lost it…big time." (...)

Read it and punch your fist in the air: "YES!"