"Henry Shaver, 28, of Flagstaff, Ariz., and Charles J. Cox, 19, of Riverside, Calif., were arrested Sunday outside Reformation Lutheran Church in Wichita and charged with disturbance of public worship, a misdemeanor that carries a maximum penalty of one year in prison and a $500 fine.
Wichita police spokesman Gordon Bassham said the men disrupted the service by shouting." (...)
According to anti-abortion group Operation Rescue, Shaver stood at the podium and read a scripture, while Cox gave back his communion bread, saying it represented the babies killed by Tiller."
Tiller’s Wichita clinic is the site of regular protests because he is one of the few U.S. physicians who performs late-term abortions. His clinic was bombed in 1985, and eight years later, a woman who waited for hours outside the clinic shot him in both arms."
Tiller's had his clinic bombed and he's been shot... more wonderful "pro-life" Christliness. His clinic is under siege. Now they're even interrupting a church service, presumably full of little kids with their parents, which supposedly being "christians" they should respect. What's next? Well, more shootings, bombings and other terrorism. What has to happen before the government calls the anti-abortion al qaeda what they are: terrorists.