Bushco must long for the good old days when a "new" Bin Laden video would provoke pants-pissing, sphincter-rumbling fear and anxiety so overwhelming that the entire country, including most of the government, would be rendered into a state of zombie-like submission. YES, Georgie. NO, Georgie. THREE BAGS FULL, Georgie. How easy life was then.
Not so anymore, as evidenced by the largely ho-hum response to a new bin Laden tape found circulating around the internet on the weekend:
"A brief clip of an older-looking Osama bin Laden is contained in a new al Qaeda videotape praising al Qaeda martyrs posted on jihadi Web sites early this morning.
Experts who study al Qaeda videos told ABC News they had not previously seen the clip of bin Laden, which was released with little fanfare and contains no date references, but say it is most likely an unreleased portion of an earlier message."
Nothing to see here, it's an old tape, the bin Laden part of it maybe even made before 9/11. Disingenuously described as "new" (new from al qaeda? or new from OBL?), analysts were clearly grasping at straws when they said OBL "looks older"... Older how? He looks the same as he did just after the invasion of Aghanistan. He's even wearing the same outfit. Nope, not buying it, nobody's buying it.
The news network said the video contained old clips but concluded it had been compiled in the last four weeks.
The environment in which bin Laden is shown speaking is similar to that on releases made before the September 11 attacks on the United States by al Qaeda in 2001."
The timing of this video is yet another coincidence for an administration whose time in power has been amazingly rife with coincidences. September is coming fast, and with it a definitive report on the progress in Iraq. On Thursday, Congress voted to leave Iraq by next April; on Saturday, an OBL tape surfaced. You can almost set your watch by this shit. But the Democrats (and even some Republicans) aren't co-operating... oh, I bet those tapes will be just a-flyin' out of that Undisclosed Location in the next few weeks. It should be a very Osama summer.