Thursday, July 12, 2007

Profiles in Cognitive Dissonance

Harper says "Canada hasn't been this united since 1967"???

"EDMONTON (CP) - Prime Minister Stephen Harper says it's been 40 years since Canada has been as united as it stands today and he credits his government's popularity in Quebec." (...)

"The prime minister also told the crowd that his government has introduced a bill that would give Alberta five extra seats in the Commons to reflect its growing population."

"...Harper said he wants to make it impossible for 'the Liberals and the NDP to ever wage another campaign against the West.'"

Excuse me? Canada hasn't been this united? Harper's purposely made deeper and wider divides among Canadians than any PM I can remember, and my memory goes back to Pearson. Even conservatives can't agree about Harper.

More and more, Harper seems to be following the playbook of his friends in the white house. If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually believe it. Now who was it that said that first?