Thursday, July 12, 2007

Georgie speaks

Now that even Republicans are turning against the Iraq War en masse, Georgie held a desperate press conference this morning to give excuses an update on the lack of progress situation in Iraq. It was the usual steaming load, and a stale steaming load it is at this point. Bottom line: Troops not coming home anytime soon, the "surge" that started 6 months ago hasn't really had a chance to work, if we don't fight them there, they'll be knocking your door down with a battering ram, forks and knives in hand, ready to eat your children.

In the World According to Georgie, the war in Iraq has 4 phases: the liberation of the Iraqi people, elections, quelling sectarian violence, and increasing security so the Iraqi government can take over. Four-plus years down the road and the Iraqi government shows no signs of being able or even willing to take over... not likely that will change in the next 6 months. And speaking of phases of the war, what about the weapons of mass destruction???

One could optimistically say that the first two phases have been semi-completed -- elections have been held and Iraqis are liberated from Saddam, who's toast. But in the process many Iraqis have also been liberated from their hydro and water services, their homes, their country, assorted limbs and for many, their lives -- liberation overkill.

Gotta love Helen Thomas, first question: "Don't you understand that it was us who brought al qaeda into Iraq?" Don't you understand? Ha! She sounded like an exasperated Mom, trying to get an idea through her slow-witted son's thick, numb skull. Georgie's answer: "I was hoping to solve the Iraqi issue diplomatically, Saddam chose the course." Saddam, it's Saddam's fault, waaaahhhh, he did it first, waaaahhhh.

Somewhere there may be people who watch Georgie's pressers with hopeful anticipation of a new message, an acknowledgement of reality, and are inevitably disappointed. The rest of us don't even have to watch, we know the message by heart. And I agree with Ms. Thomas, it is exasperating.