Saturday, August 11, 2007

I knew this

"All the good ones are taken or gay" might have to be changed to "taken or effeminate", given that there are many gay men who are as macho as they come, and according to a new study, women think macho is a no-no for long-term relationships:

"Women see masculine-looking men as more unsuitable long-term partners but men with more feminine features are seen as more committed and less likely to stray, researchers said

The web-based test asked participants to rate the face for traits such as dominance, ambition, wealth, faithfulness, commitment, parenting skills, and warmth.

Men with square jaws, larger noses and smaller eyes were classed as significantly more dominant, less faithful, worse parents and as having less warm personalities.

Those with finer facial features, fuller lips, wide eyes and thinner, more curved eyebrows on the other hand were viewed as a better bet for long-term relationships." [...]

"The scientists said there was a "high amount of agreement" between women about what they see in terms of personality when seeing a man's face and they may well use their impression to decide whether or not to engage with him."

So the less macho, the better bet for the long haul. Okay. If true, this might explain my "0 for 3" in the long-term relationship powerplay -- it's the result of a lifelong affliction of Fatal Bad Boy Attraction Syndrome. Although I have to add, without a beard my first ex was prettier than me (not that I'm any great flaming beauty, but it was still unnerving enough that I heaved a big sigh of relief when he grew the beard), and he was still an asshole!!! Maybe he was just an anomaly (in more ways than one).

This information all seems to make perfect sense, and who knows, maybe it'll even be helpful to someone somewhere. But as a woman whose ears still incorrigibly perk up like a coyote's at the sound of engineer boots clomp-clomping towards me, it's probably too late to break the cycle, so to speak.