Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Slow news day

So here's some slow news -- check out the launch of the world's biggest condom last weekend:

"Concertgoers at a Dutch festival have been treated to an unusual sight: a pink hot air balloon 40 metres high, shaped exactly like a condom, drifting lazily across the sky.

The balloon, with the words "Vrij Veilig" - Dutch for "Safe Sex" - emblazoned on it, was launched by the public health service at the festival in the Dutch city of Lichtenvoordein.

The director of the health service, known by its Dutch acronym GGD, said the festival was an ideal opportunity to reach young people."

Via: VideoSift

(Yes guys, I know: you've seen bigger, right?)

What a great, fun idea, and an excellent way to get the safe sex message out to those frolicking youth. Cue the shrieking fundies: "Butbutbut what kind of message is this for young people? What about abstinence???" Butbutbut young people just want to have fun, and for some reason, the abstinence brand of fun isn't exactly flying off the shelves these days. So let's make sure that the fun they do have is as *safe* as possible.