Wednesday, August 08, 2007


On the road again... I'm so glad I'm on the road again...
In a bigass transport truck I ride

with a gory fetus on the side
that makes the children run and hide

When they see me coming down the road again!

Yeah! The Big Bad Fetusmobile trucked on into Calgary today, "just passin' through" as Mr. Natural used to say. (Help, I'm stuck in rhyming mode and I can't get up!)

"An international "pro-life" group is using some hard-hitting tactics to get the attention of Calgarians. The Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform was driving a truck through city streets on Wednesday. On it, the group says, are pictures of an aborted fetus in its first trimester."

Sweeeeeeet. Just what I'd want my kids to see on their way to school, or wherever kids go at this time of year. Oh wait, it's summer so they're all out and about, aren't they? All the more likely to get an eyeful of this grotesque mobile monument to fetus fetishism.

The Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform -- what the fuck's their claim to fame? Nothing to see here, it's just another name for Anti-Abortion Dipshits Inc., presumably to add a little "scientific" cachet to the cause. A lofty goal, and such cred is sure to be forthcoming with the help of all the bible verses quoted on their website.

This in-your-face approach piques my interest. Not because I think it will have any effect on the public other than to make them recoil in complete and utter disgust at the bugfuck nutsies making these bizarre displays. What's fascinating is that they chose to use the same kind of gory graphics that are used by violent anti-abortion extremists, and can be found on the websites of all the usual suspects. The average "pro-lifer" type person is adamant about wanting to distance themselves from the mentally unbalanced, rabid fanatics -- and I (sort of) believe them, I just think their movement has been co-opted by a lot more batshit-crazy whackjobs than they realize. Driving around and around in a transport truck with gross images plastered all over it... does that sound reasonable to you? If that's the public face they've decided to present, then somebody hasn't thought this out... oh well!

As far as I'm concerned, this is great: go fetusmobilers! Drive that fetus truck around and around and right into the ground. The more the public associates these unhinged lunatics with the anti-abortion movement, the better. Keep on truckin', fetus fetishists!

(h/t holly stick at birthpangs)