Saturday, January 05, 2008

HAHAHAHA! The comments!

Let's pick up where we left off yesterday on that little anti-choice horror story about fetus-eating in China. When I first posted about it, I didn't read the comments made by Stanek's drooling, slackjawed fetus fetishist constituency, and it looks like they weighed in on it hot and heavy.

Astonishingly, most took the bizarre story at face value -- and rather than check Snopes to see if it might just be, you know, bullshit, began scouring the web for more evidence to support it. And of course, theorizing about how pro-choicers would defend the practice of scarfing down fricassee of fetus:Because, of course, we're just not logical, like the fetus fetishists:Yes yes, pro-choicers think fetus is just "the other white meat", the only question being whether to BBQ or stir fry. The debate raged on, and eventually someone made a connection between fetus-eating and... take a guess... gay marriage! (But you already knew that was coming, right?):Yeeeooowwwww! That was all I could stand before I had to take a break from The Stupid. Because, to paraphrase Canadian Cynic, "It burns!"

UPDATE: We may be illogical and driven by a lust for power (and a taste for fetus) but we're creative and generous to a fault! Balbulican at StageLeft has come up with a logo for the fetus brigade, one that proudly announces their True Agenda.