Saturday, January 26, 2008

The politics of putrescence

Anyone who's hoping that the vicious, shit-stained political stylings of Karl Rove will be coming to an end with the imminent demise of the Bush Administration (359 more Bush-days to go) will be disappointed in this.

From TPM Muckraker (via Rants from the Rookery), there's news that another 527 group was formed recently for the purpose of smearing Hillary Clinton this election cycle (like "Swiftboat Veterans for Truth" did to John Kerry in 2004). This new 527 calls itself "Citizens United Not Timid". They have T-shirts:

But what can you expect from an organization that lists as its treasurer a creepy GOP operative who has Richard Nixon's face tattooed on his back? Which brings us back to Karl Rove, who's clearly left a mark on the GOP that will take years to scrub out, and may at this point be indelible... sort of like a tattoo.