Sunday, January 27, 2008

Feminists don't get men

Shorter SUZANNE: "Feminists are hairy-legged man-hating vagina warriors" (beware of link: potential fetus porn hazard):

In SUZANNE's latest anti-feminist screed, she shrieks that "feminists don't get men" -- I'll assume "get" means "understand" (this feminist has *gotten* more than her fair share, in both senses of the word).

First things first: "Get/understand" doesn't mean "acquiese to" or "always agree with" or "live vicariously through", or (especially not) "obey". Women in general and feminists in particular have minds of their own, we don't have to run our thoughts by daddy first to ensure they make the cut. And I don't think it's going out on a limb to say men like it that way. Lookee here:
"...But the third deadly sin is harder to spot in one's self, because it often looks and feels just like love. I'm talking about clinginess. Men are hard to decipher on this point, because they value in women both vulnerability (they want to be your hero) and independence (they want to be left alone once in a while). He wants you close; he doesn't want you on him like a freshly dried sock."
Needy is bad. Clingy is bad. Independence is good. Needy and clingy are not feminist traits, but independence most definitely is... and men like it, like it, yes they do.

My own anecdotal evidence with men of various political flavours confirms this. In the inevitable goofy "Why Are We Together?" interrogation sessions that happen sooner or later in most relationships, conservatives, liberals and anarchists alike agreed that independence was one of my most attractive (if sometimes bedeviling) traits. It's telling that the only one who later changed his mind about it was a conservative Catholic boy who, unable to make me bend to his will (so to speak) and start cranking out babies at age 45(!!!) began constantly complaining that I was "too independent". My returning "What you saw is what you got" quickly escalated to "There's the door, don't let it hit you".

The bottom line is, feminists "get" the men who are worth "getting", and the rest? Uh, no thanks, we'll leave them for the socon ladies with their calendars, thermometers and vaginal mucous measurement systems (could anything be hawter?).