Saturday, February 02, 2008

Excuse me, waiter...

... there's a fetus in my soup!

Remember a while back when our fetally-obsessed friends reported Sweet & Sour Fetus was a happening item on Chinese restaurant menus? Today the official organ of shrieking zygote zealotry, lifesite, is blowing a similar gasket over a book that tells the terrible truth about the *Other White Meat* in China:

What could be better on a cold, blustery winter's day than a nice hot bowl of Fetal Soup?
"New macabre manifestations of this conscienceless abortion mentality include the recent opening of five restaurants in the region of X, which began serving 'fetal soup' at the price of 300 Yuan (approximately $40) a bowl! Recent medical publications have praised the exceptional health benefits for the consuming of 'fetal remains' (this jargon allows them to overlook what this really is-unborn baby bodies)." [...]

So evil and scandalous is this fetal soup trade that the Government shut down the Web sites advertising the restaurants, in fear that they would scandalize the reputation of the People's Republic to outside countries and businesses."
As usual, the twisted, non-sequiturian minds of the anti-choicers allow them to draw absurd conclusions: the Chinese view abortion as a routine minor procedure, therefore, they must be okay with eating fetuses. Predictably, there's no evidence to back up this bizarre story, fetal soup being so scandalous that all proof of its existence has been censored by the government. (Think the tinfoil might be getting a little thin?) Or it could be bullshit! But it just sounds so good: egg drop soup? How about fertilized egg drop soup!