Friday, February 01, 2008

Of course Coulter supports Hillary

All the right-wingers do, Ann Coulter is just the latest. Coulter claims she'll vote for Clinton if John McCain wins the Republican nomination -- riiiiiiiight, sure she will. She's just doing her part to cement the horrifying possibility of President Hillary in the minds of the Republican electorate. "Hillary! Hillary! Boo! (9/11!) SHRIEEEK!"

Recall the systematic attacks that were made on Clinton last summer by Karl Rove. Their purpose wasn't to rally the GOP against her, that's a fait accompli if there ever was one. Rove's attacks on Clinton were part of a strategy to initiate a primordial defense reflex that would rally the Democrats in her support, and in the long-term, help her win the Democratic nomination. Rove wants Clinton to win the nomination.

It could be because he originally thought John Edwards was more of a threat than Clinton, but even more probably, it's to capitalize on the mobilizing power of Hillary hatred. The Republican base has been divided and directionless for awhile now, and that's a bad way to go into an election. But nothing unites them like their vicious and inexplicable hatred of Hillary Clinton. Should she win the Democratic nomination, Republicans will turn out in record numbers to vote for whoever her Republican opponent is. Helping her secure the nomination is, for the GOP, the ultimate "get out the vote" strategy.
