Saturday, May 17, 2008

HRC complaints for me, but not for thee

When the Human Rights Commission is cramping the minority-slagging style of bigots, racists and Nazis, it's a Commie Leftard Star Chamber Kangaroo Kourt, "jackbooting conservatives since 1978".

But when the HRC does some successful work on behalf of a fetus-fetishizing group the drooling mouth-breathers support, it's all good:
"The Capilano College Heartbeat Club and the Capilano Students Union (CSU) have reached an agreement that will see the pro-life Heartbeat Club achieve CSU club recognition, pending they submit an application in the fall. The parties released a joint statement shortly after the agreement had been made:

"The Heartbeat Club filed a Human Rights complaint against the Capilano Students' Union. The Club and the CSU have entered into a settlement agreement which is confidential. The parties agree that there is no admission of liability by the CSU and that the Heartbeat Club will be entitled to CSU club status if they apply."" (emphasis sarcastically mine)

See how this works now, fucktards?