Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Georgie mentions Al Qaeda a few times

It's almost like Georgie's building up to something.

In a speech he gave yesterday, Bush maintained that an early pullout from Iraq was out of the question because Al Qaeda would take over and wreak havoc, maybe even nuculear havoc:

"Bush declared that "the merger between al Qaeda and its Iraqi affiliate is an alliance of killers," and reiterated his longstanding argument that an early pullout would allow them to use Iraq as a safe haven for exporting violence.

"Fighting could engulf the entire region in chaos and we would soon face a Middle East dominated by Islamic extremists who would pursue nuclear weapons and use their control of oil for economic blackmail or to fund new attacks on our nation," he said."

The speech, given at an airforce base, was a pedantic half-hour wankfest during which Bush mentioned the name "Al Qaeda" 94 times. What!!? That's right, 94 times -- I counted. He also mentioned Osama Bin Laden probably about half as many times (I didn't count, be my guest).

Georgie's obviously building up to something. I just hope he's doing a CYA routine over the Iraq progress report that's due in September, and it's not something like martial law.

Update: 94 times! Just for kicks, I timed how long it would take me to say "al qaeda" 94 times. It took me almost 2 full minutes. Georgie's speech was 29 minutes long (11:50am - 12:19pm). That means a full 7% of the entire speech (words and breaks to laugh, take a breath, belch whatever) was the word(s) "al qaeda". Spectacular. I hope the neighbours didn't hear me.