Friday, June 20, 2008

What's up, "Doc"?

Maybe that's the question the media should start asking, now that the Senate has announced its' plan to trim the fundamentalist fat from Bill C-10 and deprive Mullah McVety of the opportunity to censor films he finds offensive. For someone who purports to be a religious leader and not just a garden-variety con artist and attention whore, this McVety character seems to have an awful lot of influence on our strictly secular government. Why isn't the media asking who this guy is and what he's doing hanging around the corridors of Canadian power? This is not the kind of repressive nutbar I want having any influence on public policy:

I'm always astonished at how the traditional media ingenuously accepts credentials without question. Charles McVety, described on the Hour as "one of the most powerful leaders of the Christian Right in this country", hangs a "Dr." before his name, which no doubt gives him a perceived credibility he might not have otherwise. "Dr." McVety has been around for awhile; I'd think that when someone of his ilk starts bragging about his influence and gets dangerously close to turning some of his twisted censorious notions into public policy, the media needs to snap out of its stupor and take a closer look at the guy's backstory. Starting with his doctorate, which may be as fake as his claim that he speaks for all Christians.

Bene D got the ball rolling, Yaya Canada, Toujoursdan and especially Bill Kinnon at Achievable Ends did some more heavy lifting last week, and now it's time for the rest of the rabble (that's us, guys!) to make noise. We dodged the C-10 bullet, but McVety and his ilk won't stop firing. He likes the spotlight? Great, let's give him some. The traditional media needs to shine a hot light on this fundamentalist freak and get him worming and squirming.

Are you listening, traditional media?